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Narcissism and Baptism in Marriage

narcissism and baptism in marriage

Narcissism and baptism in marriage are likely to have a problem with spiritual intimacy. It is especially true in marriage and may affect even ordinary activities such as baptisms. One can explain the fact that narcissistic female behavior​ makes consideration preferences dominant. Therefore, it is not the meaning of baptism as the union and the renewal of the faith.

The things necessary in baptism are humility, love, and teamwork which narcissism interferes with. For a marriage to be spiritual, the two partners must love, esteem, and practice their faith together. Taking care of oneself involves empathy, talking to the other person, or seeking help from faith or counseling. Here in this guide, we’ll discuss narcissistic female behavior​, its symptoms, and ways to deal with it. Stay with us till the end and find out how narcissism affects material life.

Narcissism In a Relationship

Narcissistic behavior in romantic relationships occurs when one person self-indulges and does not consider their partner a whole person or an end in themselves. Therefore, such narcissism and baptism in marriage at times can be frustrating. It will lead to small quarrels but will not necessarily ruin the friendship that you have with your partner. It includes:

  • Discuss their accomplishments in a manner that paints them in a better light than they deserve, such as exaggerating.
  • Employ the relationship to make others envious, such as cuddling on the street or posting love photos on Facebook.
  • They should exploit their partner, for example, forcing them to work harder than the other while cleaning the house.


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Narcissism Symptoms

Here are the symptoms of narcissism and baptism in marriage include:

  • Need unrealistic amounts of attention and praise.
  • Believe that they should be given the right to be privileged and favored.
  • Anticipate to be acknowledged as better even with no accomplishments.
  • Give accomplishments and abilities greater importance than they deserve.
  • Success, power, intelligence, appearance, or the ideal partner.
  • They feel they are better than other people.

What Causes Narcissism in Females?

Here are the causes of narcissism in females:

  • The everyday culture of social media encourages people to keep posting updates.
  • Social expectations of perfection and success.
  • Competition and self-sufficiency.
  • Cooperation in messages concerning body image and status.
  • The culture of social media is a constant performance.
  • Competition is a cultural value of a society.
  • Messages concerning self-image and social position.

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Narcissism and Baptism in Marriage- Narcissistic Female Behavior​

It will be useful to remember that narcists reveal different aspects in both women and men. The NPD women, it is generally found, display fewer and somewhat less severe features. They might also show a little more concern at some point or the other. Furthermore, it means that we can hypothesize about some peculiarities of female narcissists. The following section will present the study’s results in detail.

These differences make female narcissism look quite different while still including the same fundamental desires. The zeal to gain attention and admiration forms part of human nature.

Related Read: Relationships Between ADHD And Narcissism

Why Is Narcissism on The Rise?

Social media and the entire digital age have provided exactly the perfect conditions for the blossoming of this narcissistic female behavior​ .  Every day, people post selective lives on social media, and they get instant attention through likes and comments. What young people get to learn at this tender age is that they are only valuable to the extent that they are popular or known online. Enabling parenting that implies paying too much attention to encouraging children and making them believe they are unique might also do it.

Additionally, selfish behavior and disregard for society’s common good are becoming increasingly popular. Many people’s success is defined by their number of followers, recognition, and tangible results. There’s less expectation of kindness to others and less consideration of their feelings. Mental health professionals also note a decline in direct, engrossing confrontations, which hinder the ability to forge healthy, loving bonds.

Is BPD Worse Than Narcissism​?

BPD includes fluctuations in mood, fear of seclusion, identity crisis, and problems within interpersonal interactions. BPD patients have a higher risk of harming themselves or even committing suicide, as well as having severe emotional distress. Moreover, narcissism and baptism in marriage can interfere with the true meaning of baptism, as a narcissistic spouse may view it as another opportunity for attention. The main symptoms include the NPD being grandiose, needing admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Thus, you usually have poor interpersonal relationships and often suffer from self-archetype shame but will not demonstrate it. Both conditions:

  • It can be managed with the right psychotherapy intervention.
  • Affect relationships and functioning every day.
  • Arise out of multiple interactions of genetic and environmental influences.
  • Most originated from childhood abuse.

What Is the Difference Between Codependency and Narcissism​?



Focuses on meeting others’ needs, often at their own expense.Focuses on their own needs, seeking admiration and validation from others.
Dependent on others’ approval or validation.Self-importance, though often masking deep insecurity.  
High empathy, often overly concerned with others’ emotions.Low empathy, struggles to understand or care about others’ feelings.
Overly giving and neglecting their own needs to maintain relationships.Demanding, expecting others to meet their needs without reciprocation.
Fear of rejection or abandonment drives their behavior.A desire for control, power, or admiration drives their behavior.

How To Deal with Vulnerable Narcissism​?

Deal with Vulnerable Narcissism

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Self-pity is inherent to vulnerable narcissists since they are always sensitive to feelings of insecurity and lack of appreciation. Add to that, don’t brush their worries off as irrelevant because this only leads to narcissism.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries

Establish clear limits on acceptable behavior. Be firm but respectful in your communication. Vulnerable narcissists may test boundaries to get attention, so consistency in enforcing them is key. Respectful boundaries help prevent emotional manipulation.

3. Encourage Self-Awareness

Sometimes, you need to lead them to understand their behaviors. No scolding or blaming; rather, give feedback that helps people think about the situation in a different way. Promote discussions that reveal what makes them afraid and how it influences the people around them.

4. Manage Expectations

It is important to remember that vulnerable narcissists will come looking for assurance and may explode at what they perceive as rejection. Some things change as well. For example, understand that they require appreciation, but be careful not to overdo it and constantly lift their morale. Support them in dealing with feelings without reinforcing them with their endless demand for approval.

5. Support Emotional Growth

Advise them to seek help from a therapist or follow pathways of coping that should help them reduce vulnerability. Help them to develop good positive emotions and better self-images. Promote such activities that would enhance reflection and empathy in creating long-term personal development.

Can Narcissism Be Mild​?

Yes, narcissism can be mild. It is important not to confuse ordinary narcissistic tendencies with NPD, as the former has several shades and is much lighter than the latter. Almost everybody has some traits of narcissistic personality disorder, but it does not become severe and interfere with one’s life or that of other people.

In addition, narcissism in marriage can affect how both partners approach important rituals like baptism. It is often said to be having narcissistic female behavior​ rather than being a disorder. Narcissism could mean that a person wants praise and needs appreciation. However, they are not dangerous. It is only when such traits are to an extreme carry great intensity and continuously interfere with their relationships, work, or health.

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Can PTSD Cause Narcissism?

Narcissism itself is not a direct outcome of PTSD. Yet, it is worth mentioning that trauma, including childhood trauma, could form the base of narcissistic personality type in some individuals. Here’s how the two might be connected:

1. Coping Mechanism for Trauma

Other people get narcissistic tendencies out of self-defense when they experience a traumatic event. Possibly, they may seek to avoid feeling incompetent or insecure by cultivating attitudes of elitism or lack of self-worth.

2. Early Childhood Trauma

If a child receives negligent, abusive caregiving, or unstable caregiving, then they might have a narcissistic personality developed to compensate for the lack of proper emotional care. For instance, they get obsessed with perfection and success or with their bodies to get the approval they missed.

3. Defense Against Vulnerability

Most individuals who have PTSD always feel helpless, which is very uncomfortable. Those narcissistic needs for control, emotional constriction, or adoration essentially push away these feelings of helplessness.

How To Treat Covert Narcissism​?

1-Building Self-Awareness

It helps people think about how they behave and what emotions they cultivate in their friendships and overall well-being. It helps them understand certain things that may lead to conflict or disconnect. One practice is mindfulness, which helps one control one’s emotions by directing one’s attention to the present.

2. Medication

Medication such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs can help control the emotional ups and downs and help a person pay better attention to what the therapist is saying. Medication supports therapy because there could be symptoms that may slow down progress, such as irritability or sadness.

3. Developing Empathy

Cognitive-behavioral techniques include exercise, such as putting oneself in the other person’s shoes to gain insight into that person’s feelings. These techniques, along with others like eye contact and paraphrasing what the other person has said, enhance interpersonal relations. Being aware of other people’s needs and feelings also helps cultivate healthy interpersonal relationships.

End Note

From the narcissist’s point of view, narcissism and baptism in marriage can be a problematic affair for both partners. A narcissistic spouse may turn to religion, for instance, baptism, to be noticed or to manipulate rather than for personal transformation. Moreover, you might demand a big baptism ceremony, which will serve as the focus of the baptismal event. In marriage, for instance, they could use religious texts to project their authority or manipulate their partner.

A narcissistic partner may state they are holier than the spouse or use religion to embarrass the other person. They may even despise the submissive and repentant attitude that true worship entails, as most religions demand. If you or anyone in your family is facing the issue of mental health issues, you might reach out to MAVA Behavioral Health! We are here to assist you and recommend a suitable option for your mental wellness.



Can you have a healthy marriage with a narcissist?

It is difficult but not impossible if two people are willing to find ways, go to therapy, and work together. The partners must work to enhance communication, understanding, and the ability to set barriers.

What are examples of covert narcissism in marriage?

Examples of covert narcissism and baptism in marriage include:

  1. Emotional Withdrawal
  2. Passive-Aggressive Behavior
  3. Victim Mentality
  4. Jealousy and Envy
  5. Silent Manipulation

What is a narcissistic marriage like?

Narcissistic marriage is a situation where one of the partners essentially demands attention, submission, and praise while the other feels walked all over. It is often formal, with low intimacy and little or no support from the other person.

What are the five main habits of a narcissist?

The five main habits of a narcissist include:

  1. Seeking constant admiration by fishing for compliments.
  2. Lack of empathy, making it difficult for them to understand.
  3. Manipulating others to get their way.
  4. Feeling entitled to special treatment.
  5. Blaming others for their mistakes.

How does a narcissist apologize?

A narcissist will make an apology in a way that suggests they are the ones suffering rather than the other party they offended. They may pro forma apologize to get their way or stave off a confrontation when they are not sorry. Sometimes, they might blame someone else or apologize by saying things like, “I am sorry you feel that way.”



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