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Relationship OCD 5 Various Types Of OCD Symptoms and Treatment

relationship ocd

Relationships are essential for both good health and happiness. Strong, loving relationships with individuals who are close to you can strengthen your immune system. It reduces stress and gives you a sense of belonging. Relationship OCD, also known as OCD, is a relatively new type of obsessive-compulsive disorder characterized by fears and questions about one’s intimate or romantic relationships. The question is: how many different types of OCD exist? We’ll discuss them all here. People suffering from OCD may have intrusive thoughts, doubts, and nervousness about whether the other person is right for them. Furthermore, they also have fears about whether they are attracted to their partner or vice versa.

They have strong doubts about whether they should end the relationship altogether. Continue reading to learn more about an OCD relationship, types, and symptoms. Let’s take a deep dive!

What is Relationship OCD?

Relationship OCD is a mental health disorder that affects people in their relationships. It is defined by intrusive thoughts, questions, and uncertainties about romantic partners, which cause significant distress and anxiety. Understanding relationship OCD is critical for both individuals with the condition and their partners to navigate the challenges it presents and find ways to build lasting and satisfying connections together. ROCD is characterized by excessive doubts and distracting thoughts that affect many aspects of the relationship. These thoughts can revolve around trust, attraction, love, or functionality. Individuals with ROCD frequently have an unending need for confidence and seek constant confirmation from their partners.

Do you continue to experience anxiety as a result of OCD? If so, you might get treatment from a mental health professional. Thus, contact us at MAVA Behavioral Health for more information and to attain suitable services for mental health.

How Does OCPD Impact Relationships?

People who are facing the issue of OCD are unable to maintain relationships as they are so perfect in their techniques. Moreover, they don’t bear uncleanliness around them and expect a lot from others and also themselves. When these expectations are not fulfilled, they disappoint and blame others for such mistakes. For example, they may become upset if their partner is not as punctual or organized as they are or if their partner does not adhere to their strict standards of cleanliness. Individuals with OCD are unable to connect with others emotionally and face difficulty in expressing their feelings to others. They are in a continuous struggle with intimacy, emotions, and the spirit to do things. It can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as problems in forming and maintaining close relationships.

What Are 5 Causes Of OCD?

The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t fully understood. The main theories include:

  1. Biology: OCD occurs due to a change in brain chemistry and proper functioning.
  2. Genetics: OCD may also be caused due to genetic factors, and there are no specified genes that are identified for causing the issue.
  3. Learning: Obsessive fears and compulsive behaviors develop in an individual by observing selfish behaviors and things that happen in their family. Such type of behavior grows in a person with time.
  4. OCD: May be related to other mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorders, depression, and generalized anxiety disorders.

What Are the Symptoms Of OCD?

Here are the following OCD symptoms that are given below:

Emotional Symptoms

Emotional symptoms of relationship OCD can include:

  • Experienced significant anxiety, fear, and depression due to the relationship.
  • Constant confusion and suspense.
  • Emotional distress can negatively impact an individual’s well-being and quality of life.
  • Controlling intense emotions can be difficult and may require professional assistance and medication.

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Behavioral Symptoms

Behavioral manifestations of relationships OCD can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:

  • Seeking constant reassurance from partners, friends, or family members.
  • Individuals with OCD may constantly compare their relationships to others.
  • Feelings of inadequacy and frustration.
  • Avoiding situations that raise doubts is another frequently encountered behavioral symptom.
  • Individuals may attempt to avoid distressing thoughts.

Cognitive Symptoms

The cognitive symptoms of relationship OCD involve:

  • Repeated and intrusive opinions about the relationship
  • People may meditate on their feelings for their partner.
  • Challenging the reliability of their feelings.
  • Fixating on perceived flaws or defects in the relationship.
  • The cognitive sequences can be exhausting.
  • Affects the person’s ability to focus on daily duties.
  • Return to previously enjoyable activities.

What Are the 4 Types Of OCD?


Compulsive checking is one of the most common OCD symptoms. People with “checking OCD” may excessively check the following types of items:

  • The gadgets are turned off.
  • All doors and openings are locked.
  • They have not lost or forgotten anything important.

Checking rituals can also be related to excessive doubts, anxiety, and a fear of losing control. There is often the fear of consciously or unconsciously occurring something bad to happen.

   2.Order and Symmetry

Many people with OCD have obsessions and compulsions about order, symmetry, organizing, and counting. Habitual rituals associated with symmetry may include:

  • Repeatedly lining up items.
  • Continuously rearranging things to achieve the desired appearance.
  • Counting items repeatedly to ensure equal divisions.
  • Individuals with an irrational choice for order may become overly concerned with their body dimensions.
  • Poor taking care of habits can lead to eating disorders and negative self-image.


One of the most frequent obsessive themes among OCD sufferers is the fear of contamination. People who are concerned with germs and contamination may:

  • Repeatedly clean surfaces.
  • Repeatedly wash their hands.
  • Excessive concern over food
  • Stay away from items that others have touched

 4. Ruminations or Intrusive Thoughts

Rumination is defined as obsessive, overbearing, and intrusive ideas about a specific subject. Rumination frequently includes taboo or prohibited topics, such as sexuality, violence, or religion.

Disturbing ideas can take many different forms. A few examples are:

  • Writing on their intimate orientation.
  • Constantly questioning their religious identity.
  • Worry about cheating on their partner.
  • Anxious about harming themselves or others.
  • Worry about potential sexual predatory behavior, even without evidence.

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What Is OCD Behavior?

People facing the issue of OCD observe unwanted thoughts, severe anxiety, obsession, and dominant behavior. They try to provoke these thoughts rather than overcome them. For people living with OCD, these rituals aren’t a matter of personal choice. Rather, they complicate and disrupt everyday life. A lot of people consider OCD as it further fuels their thoughts and beliefs. People with OCD behave illogically and argue with others over very little things.

OCD In Children

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. Obsessions are recurring thoughts. Compulsions are recurrent behaviors. A child with OCD has obsessive fears about things and considers them as unwanted. They feel dirty by touching the objects even though they are clean. They use compulsive rituals to control their worries, such as excessive hand washing. As children grow in an environment where rituals, thoughts, and obsessions are very common, they must develop and grow with them. They take great care while taking meals, going to the washrooms, and even bathing and bedtime.

Each child may have different symptoms. These are the most common symptoms:

  • An extreme obsession with dirt or germs
  • Continuous doubts and fear of illogical things
  • Interfering thoughts about violence
  • Feelings of hurting and giving harm to someone.
  • Long periods spent touching things, counting
  • Thinking about numbers and sequences
  • Preoccupation with order, symmetry, or exactness


Final Words

Relationship OCD is a type of OCD in which an individual behaves differently than others. At this point, seeking professional help is critical so that you can learn how to manage and deal with OCD. They are usually associated with an obsession; you may believe that by engaging in them, you will be able to stop unwanted thoughts or prevent something bad from taking place. Healthcare providers and mental health experts can provide treatment plans to assist you in managing your compulsive behaviors and obsessions. If you take OCD medication and experience any unpleasant side effects, consult a healthcare professional. At MAVA Behavioral Health, we provide comprehensive mental health services to support individuals in effectively managing and improving their well-being.



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