
Cluster C Personality Disorders: Manage Internal Fear and Worries

cluster c personality disorders

In your surrounding circle, you notice many people acting in strange ways. Some individuals can’t recognize their personalities and begin to mimic others. It happens because they might have split personality disorder, which is more specifically known as cluster C personality disorders.

However, these individuals often face emotional and mental challenges. So, why not seek some professional help? You can find support and assistance to improve your cluster C personality disorders treatment and learn how to manage the signs you’ve been facing for a long period.

Continue reading this interesting blog, where we’ll explain everything about the signs, causes, tips, coping strategies, and treatment options. Stay connected with us!

What Is Cluster C Personality Disorders?

Cluster C personality disorder is a complicated mental health issue that involves a variety of lasting personality traits and ways of thinking. These traits can, however, cause a lot of distress and problems in relationships with others. This kind of disorder usually includes long-term behavior patterns that stay pretty much the same over time.
For many people, these ongoing patterns can lead to emotional struggles, which ultimately make it hard to function well in different places, like work, school, or home. Although some individuals might try to get help, the deeply rooted nature of these behaviors can make change tough.

Cluster C Personality Disorders Symptoms

There are the following signs and symptoms that include:

  • Avoiding work and social activities.
  • Having feelings of inferiority.
  • Having difficulty accepting rejection.
  • Being extremely shy or socially awkward.
  • Become isolated and avoid taking part in new activities.
  • Needing someone else to handle significant life responsibilities.
  • Difficulty making judgments without guidance and comfort.
  • Fear of confrontation stems from false anxieties of rejection.
  • Going to tremendous measures to feel supported and nurtured.
  • Self-doubt might make it difficult to take initiative.

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What Causes Cluster C Personality Disorders?

Thoughts, behaviors, and emotions shape your personality. However, personality disorders cluster c can mess up your personal and social relationships. A mix of genetics, environmental, and developmental factors may lead to personality disorders. Although many traits fall under cluster C, some can trigger these issues, including:

i. Genetics

One theory suggests that family history plays a big role. For example, you might be more likely to develop a personality disorder if a parent or sibling has one. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone will. Although it’s an important factor, other things can influence your personality too. But remember, understanding these connections can help us learn more about ourselves and others.

ii. Brain Changes

Scientists have noticed brain structure differences among people with specific personality disorders. In one study, researchers found a decrease in grey matter in the medial temporal cortex of women with borderline personality disorder. It raises questions about how these changes affect behavior. Although more research is needed, these findings could help us understand personality disorders better.

iii. Cultural Factors

There’s a link between culture and personality disorders: culture is important. It greatly defines who you are and influences your whole personality and self-image. However, cultures that encourage emotional sensitivity are less likely to create individuals who show impulsive and suicidal behaviors, although this can still happen sometimes. Because of these factors, understanding culture can help us understand personality better.

iv. Trauma and Abuse

Environmental influences play a role, particularly when mixed with family history. For example, a history of abuse can make you more likely to develop personality problems. According to research, there is a substantial link between early sexual trauma and schizophrenia.

Types of Cluster C Personality Disorder

1. Avoidant Personality Disorder

People with avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) often feel inadequate. They are usually very sensitive to negative comments. However, they tend to avoid socializing with others because of this. Although they might want to connect with new people, they often have low self-esteem, which makes it difficult for them to engage. Some find it hard even to start conversations, but they wish things were different.

Individuals with an avoidant personality disorder display behavior such as:

  • Ignoring work and social activities.
  • Experiencing sentiments of inferiority.
  • Excessive sensitivity to criticism or negative feedback.
  • Having trouble accepting rejection.

2. Dependent Personality Disorder

As the term implies, people with dependent personality disorder are overly reliant on others. They are more likely to seek external affirmation from others and become depressed when they believe they are not receiving appropriate support.

A person with dependent personality disorder will exhibit the following features:

  • Constantly seeking romantic partnerships.
  • Starting a new romantic relationship after a previous one ends
  • Being afraid of being alone
  • Being too reliant on others.

3. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by a pattern of unwanted thoughts and worries known as obsessions. These obsessions cause you to engage in repetitive actions, also known as compulsions. These irrational behaviors disrupt daily tasks and create significant distress.

  • Expecting perfection in all situations.
  • Unable to function in the presence of disarray or disorganization.
  • Expecting perfection from themselves and others.
  • Stay in control of people and tasks at all times.

Cluster C Personality Disorders Myths and Facts



Cluster C personality disorders are just extreme shyness or anxiety.They involve chronic patterns of behavior that significantly impair daily functioning and relationships.
People with such personality disorders are just trying to seek attention.People with Cluster C disorders often struggle with deep-seated fears of rejection, criticism, or losing control, leading to their behaviors.
Individuals with such personality disorders don’t want relationships.They often desire relationships but fear rejection or criticism, making it difficult to engage in close relationships.
Avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders are all the same.Avoidant PD involves fear of criticism; Dependent PD involves fear of separation.
Cluster C personality disorders are rare.They are relatively common but may often go undiagnosed due to their overlap with anxiety disorders.

Coping Strategies for Personality Disorders

Here are some of the coping strategies for cluster C personality disorders and ways to manage their symptoms.

i. Have Some Activity

Physical activity can help some people to manage their symptoms. A lot of people find that exercise can relieve their anxiety, depression, and stress levels in particular.

ii. self-awareness

When you begin to learn more about your diagnosis, you may start to feel less scared or overwhelmed. Knowledge can help you feel empowered and ready to work through any struggles you may be facing.

iii. Stress Management

Our stress management services focus on helping you build resilience and cope with life’s challenges effectively. Through personalized strategies, including relaxation techniques and coping skills, we guide you toward achieving a balanced and healthier lifestyle. Let us help you reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

iv. Mind Relaxation Techniques

Keeping the body and mind active are important parts of the recovery process. Staying busy throughout the day can be one of the most effective ways to cope with the constant stressors, anxieties, or depression. It may otherwise hinder one’s ability to move through their daily life. However, employing coping strategies as a reaction to stressors is undeniably effective.

v. Seek Any Professional Help

Don’t hesitate to seek professional support when facing emotional or mental challenges. Our expert team is here to provide guidance, therapy, and practical solutions tailored to your needs. Take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life because seeking help is important. You might feel unsure at first, but that’s normal. Although it can be tough, this is a step you deserve to take.

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Tips To Avoid a Person with Personality Disorder

Here are some tips to avoid from a person with a personality disorder:

  • Set clear boundaries and stick to them consistently.
  • Limit contact to necessary interactions only.
  • Avoid engaging in arguments or emotionally charged conversations.
  • Keep conversations brief and focused on neutral topics.
  • Maintain a calm and composed demeanor during interactions.
  • Do not take their behavior or comments personally.
  • Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist for guidance.
  • Prioritize your well-being by creating a safe distance.
  • Stay firm in your decisions and avoid being manipulated.
  • Redirect conversations away from triggering or sensitive subjects.

Cluster C Personality Disorders Treatment


There are no approved medications to treat personality problems. There are, however, some medications that the healthcare provider may use “off label” to help you with specific bothersome symptoms.

Furthermore, some individuals with personality problems may have another mental health disorder that requires clinical attention. Your specific circumstances, such as the severity of your symptoms and the prevalence of co-occurring mental health conditions, will determine the appropriate cluster C personality disorder treatment for you.

Medications include:

  • Antidepressants can lower impulsive behavior, rage, and anger, in addition to treating depression symptoms.
  • Taking anti-anxiety medications. Anxiety medications may assist with symptoms of dread and rigidity.
  • Mood stabilizers minimize mood swings, impatience, and violence.
  • These medicines treat psychosis. They can benefit persons who frequently lose contact with facts or see and hear objects that aren’t there.

End Note

Cluster C personality disorders like avoidant, dependent and obsessive-compulsive disorders are known for causing anxiety and fearfulness. Cluster C personality disorder treatment often includes medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds, which can be prescribed to help reduce symptoms. At MAVA Behavioral Health, we provide specialized services for people dealing with Cluster C personality disorders. Our skilled mental health professionals conduct thorough evaluations and create personalized treatment plans for each patient’s needs. We encourage anyone with symptoms to seek help because early intervention can improve quality of life. Our supportive environment promotes open communication, ensuring patients feel understood and empowered on their healing journey. It can be challenging to take that first step, but it is essential.



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